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Graduates receive a Diploma from the Institute and are certified by the American Association of Professional Coaches.
Testimonial of Ahuva Hammer
"Our wonderful professor and his diverse staff have taught us how to help others help themselves."
Professional Diploma and Certification Program in CBT Coaching (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
The Refuah Institute is the leading provider of Torah based coach training in the world and the only program to teach Torah based coaching with highly interactive distance learning workshops. Refuah’s Torah life coaching approach enables people to achieve success and fulfillment in their work and life through a synergy of proven scientific methods and Torah wisdom that promotes and enhances the lifelong process of learning.
Whether you are looking for an accredited coach training program, professional coaching certification, or powerful coaching skills to help you be more success in your career and life, you will find it with Refuah Institute’s Training Programs.
Training includes coaching skills suitable for coaching in any situation and setting as well as specific training for coaching in the areas of Education & Guidance, Marriage & Family and Health and Wellness.
Upon graduation you will have the skills of a trained professional coach and will be able to build a private coaching practice or advance your career in a variety of organizational and educational settings.
To date, hundreds of coaches, counselors, educators, organizational and community leaders, outreach workers, consultants, managers, and new career explorers have been trained through Refuah Institute. Refuah trained coaches come from varied backgrounds such as Teachers, Rabbis, Rebbitzens, Principals, Mashgichim, Shadchanim, parents, youth and marriage counselors, therapists, business and Jewish community leaders. Many will go on to advance in their current career whereas many establish a new career or expand into a private practice of coaching. Refuah graduates are having a significant impact on their families, schools, yeshivas, workplaces and communities by modeling effective ways of communicating, coaching and guiding with Torah values.
Among Refuah Institute's distinguished faculty members are Professor Joshua Ritchie MD, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin; Rabbi Zev Leff; Rabbi Natan Schafer, MSC; Stewart Hirsch, J.D.; Rebbitzen Liliane Ritchie and Rebbitzen Rifka Finkel.

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