Rabbi Eliezer Glatt
Rabbi Eliezer Glatt, זצ"ל
Rabbi Glatt graduated from Stuyvesant High School with
a National Regents’ Scholarship, received a B.A. in Liberal
Arts from New York University, and an M.A. in Educational
Psychology from Antioch College.
He has taught for 41 years in the field of education, both in the
USA and in Israel, at all levels, having taught in elementary
schools, junior high, and high schools, and in teachers’ colleges.
He was the principal of a Talmud Torah in Jerusalem for 18 years, and the chairman of the Special Education Department of "Beis Rivka" Teacher Training College in K'far Chabad, Israel, for eight years.
Trained in all levels at Refuah Institute, Rabbi Glatt maintained a private practice for life coaching and counseling. He both lectured and supervised practicums in coaching and counseling for the Refuah Institute.

Rabbi Eliezer Glatt
Rabbi Glatt was an extraordinarily great teacher, coach and friend to all of us who were privileged to be associated with him.
Let us find comfort in sharing with each other and the world what he taught us by word and deed. He was and is a great role model for all of us to remember and treasure.
HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.
May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
May we all have only good news to share with each other.
We, with G-d’s help, will keep you posted on memorial plans and schedule changes.
Joshua Ritchie, MD, Dean with all the Refuah Staff and Faculty
Dear Rabbis, Rebbetzins, Teachers, Talmidim and Talmidois of the Refuah Institute
It was with great sadness that we received the news of Rabbi Glatt's petira. He was a real individual - intelligent and unassuming. His grasp of Torah, Mesorah in general, and the Mitzvas HoEitzoh in particular, was so useful. If we ever wanted Eitzois, we knew where to ask. His habit of providing hospitality to many was very special. Rabbi Glatt thought of hosting dinners for all the Talmidim/Talmdois of Refuah. Or to bring us his special insights from his calling and vocation as a Rebbi and Ba'al Yoeitz.
He was one of the finest leaders in the Refuah Institute, and his passing is such a loss for all of us. However, very memorable were the many times we all had together over the years.
No one would have ever guessed his age. He could out-walk all of us despite being so much older. He was a special man, we were so lucky to have had as a Rabbi, Deputy Dean, and friend for so many years. Our love and thoughts to you all
HaMakom yenachem et'chem b'toch shar avay'lay Tzion vee'Yerushalayim.
May the Omnipresent comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
With all good wishes
Yochonon and Esther Mayers and family
I am very sorry to hear the news.
It is indeed a very big loss.
On a personal level, I had the privilege to consult with Rabbi Glatt on various occasions, and I found him to be very caring understanding and patient. More than once I felt he went out of his way to listen, to give advise, and do some finding out for specific matters I asked him about. He was also the one who introduced me to the Refuah coaching course.
Yehi Zichro Baruch. May we all learn from him.
Condolences to his family, and to all of us who knew him. May we only share simches.
Yoel Backman
Rabbi Glatt z”l a mechanech. His role as a Rebbi was to be instill a love for Yiddishkeit and Torah.
As a Menahel he strove to instill in his Rabbeim and Morot an understanding of and a love for their Talmidim.
As coach, his goal was to create self - awareness, the key to being a true עובד ד'.
As facilitator for the practicums, his insight and guidance was enlightening.
He will be sorely missed.
יהא זכרו ברוך
Shmuel Strickman

R' Pliskin, Prof Ritchie, and R' Leff presenting R' Glatt with his Refuah Diploma

I am very thankful toward Dr. Ritchie and Rabbi Glatt for their professionalism, patience and loving care they displayed throughout my involvement with Refuah as I was pursuing my Master Coach and Counselor Diploma.
~ Avroham Safrin AAPC,CMCC

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