
Please donate to the Refuah Scholarship Fund.

Rabbi and Rebbitzen Ritchie

The Life Coach training program at Refuah is a comprehensive course that comprises a wide range of technical tools. The course is easy to follow and understand. The lecturers are specialists in their particular fields and can summarize in one or two sessions what took them years to learn. The vast amount of information is presented and handed out to the students in a most comfortable way, over the internet in the comfort of your own home. There is access to recordings if you happen to miss a session. The atmosphere is informal and in a real spirit of Ahavas Yisrael. I highly recommend this course and the Refuah Institute
~ Yoel Yativ, AAPC

"Refuah Institute exemplifies the successful use of modern techniques and technology to teach Torah truth and values".

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To date, hundreds of coaches, counselors, educators, organizational and community leaders, outreach workers, consultants, managers, and new career explorers have been trained through Refuah Institute. Refuah trained coaches come from varied backgrounds such as Teachers, Rabbis, Rebbitzens, Principals, Mashgichim, Shadchanim, parents, youth and marriage counselors, therapists, business and community leaders. Many will go on to advance in their current career whereas many establish a new career or expand into a private practice of coaching. Refuah graduates are having a significant impact on their families, schools, workplaces and communities by modeling effective ways of communicating, coaching and guiding with Torah values.
Please donate to our Refuah Scholarship Fund.
You can donate to our Refuah Institute GoFundMe Campaign by following this link:
Here is a list of the people currently requesting donations for a full Scholarship:
You can donate to a specific students GoFundMe Scholarship campaign.
Hershey (Tzvi) Holczler
Hi , my name is Hershey (Tzvi) Holczler. I live in Jerusalem after making Aliya from Monsey, NY, three years ago.
I would like to become a Certified Professional Life Coach so that I will be able to help people, especialy the Jewish youth, improve their lives and become better happier people. A lot of young people are not happy with their lives and very confused and disfunctional. Some become so depressed that in some cases they become suicidal.
But in order to make it work I need your help. Please help me pay the tuition to join The Refuah Institue Professioal Coach Training Program.
Thanks and Looking Forward !!!
Hershey (Tzvi) Holczler
Devora Benchimol
My name is Devora Benchimol. I am from Argentina
and now I live in Miami.
Please help me Become a Certified CBT Life Coach.
I will use my coaching skills to help people have a better and happy life.
My husband is a Rabbi in Beit Rambam Congregation, a Syrian community in Sunny Island. I have 4 kids BH and 5 grand kids.
I worked as a Rebetzen and teacher for over 32 years helping women, elderly, and children.
I created the Abuse office for Jewish Latin with JCS here in Miami 12 years ago.
I have three websites for the community work that I do:
I studied psychology in Argentina but I was not able to complete my degree. I took some classes in life coaching, mindfulness and other fields of psychology, which have helped me with my community work. But I feel that I can help so much more once I have completed the Refuah Institute Professional CBT Coach Training Program.
As a Rabbi and Rebbetzen, my husband and I do not have the same job consistently. There is only so much financial obligation I can take on my shoulders.
Your donation will not only help me, it will help poor people who need coaching but can not afford to pay for it. I will "pay it forward": Upon graduation I will provide 100 coaching sessions free of charge to those who cannot afford to pay for coaching.
Contributors donating $1000 and more will be acknowledged on my website.
A Contributor donating the entire $8000 tuition will be acknowledged on all three of my websites and on the website of Refuah Institute.
Please donate to my GoFundMe campaign by clicking on this link:
Arielle Croock
Help me open a Strategic Life Design Coaching Practice:
My name is Arielle Croock. I am 27 years old, South African, married and have just had my first baby- Gilah Nava.
I have a degree in Marketing Communication (cum laude) and my Post Graduate degree in Strategic Communication from the University of Johannesburg.
Over the years I have found a huge gap in the market- to help people, of all ages, socioeconomic circumstances, and in all fields of work, to find meaning and purpose in their lives; ultimately, to uncover and rediscover their passions and their unique contribution they can make in the world, and to design a strategy- as one would for any great brand or business- to express and make manifest.
My goal; my tafkid, is to help others live happier, more fulfilling and engaged lives by applying my strategic marketing training, my love for people and deep intuitive ability of counseling and guiding others through their unique paths and struggles- but I NEED YOUR HELP.
I am trying to raise $8000 so I can formalize my coaching training at the renowned Refuah Coaching Institute, which will give me the best tools and skills to achieve my goal of helping others design more fulfilling lives and to actively live as their best selves.
Any donation to my education will not only help me become a better coach, but your act of chesed will be far more reaching- you will surely be granted the merit of my being able to, Please G-d, help hundreds, if not thousands of people find meaning, purpose and happiness.
I appreciate your support more than you know and may your monetary donation bring you and your family much brochah and abundance.
I would so appreciate if you revealed who you are so that I can thank you for helping me in my journey, and if you prefer to remain anonymous, I deeply thank you and have huge hakaras hatov.
My deepest thanks
Please donate to my GoFundMe campaign by clicking on this link: