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Life Coaching: A Rewarding Career
Source: Hamodia Magazine
By E. Bernstein
November 18, 2010
David was a manager at a large corporation. Despite his good position, he wanted more — he wanted to be a senior executive. And David was frustrated with his inability to achieve that dream.
Enter Yaakov. He was the head of counseling at a chessed organization while also being enrolled in the Refuah Institute’s life-coach training course.Yaakov felt that the program would let him help his clients more effectively.
Even before Yaakov finished his training, he had successfully coached David, who found that co-workers were interacting with him much more positively. David heard that he was now on track for a promotion to the senior executive position he sought. David was so satisfied with these results, he happily paid Yaakov $200 an hour to continue coaching him. With this training, Refuah graduates acquire the coaching skills necessary to help their clients develop their full potential.
Yaakov is one of the hundreds of alumni of the Refuah Institute, an organization that trains people in scientifically-proven methodology and Torah tradition to become life coaches and counselors.
Why Life Coaching?
Why should a frum person consider this career? Coaching can fit almost any schedule and area of interest. It offers a tremendous opportunity to people who want a financially rewarding and satisfying career either working from home or finding outside employment. It also allows people to gain career advancement by utilizing their coaching skills.
“You can make a living in your community,” says Professor Rabbi Joshua Ritchie, M.D., the distinguished doctor and therapist who founded Refuah. Coaches make use of their own knowledge and expertise in areas including education, marriage, parenting, shidduchim, professional careers, business, writing, and career transitions.
Coaching is consistent with the Torah mindset. “Our guiding principle is ‘love your neighbor as yourself,’” Rabbi Ritchie says. “To be a good coach, you have to have the qualities of a good Jew. We are just bringing the Torah principles that our students already know and teaching them how to apply them for their clients’ benefit. Hasn’t coaching always been part of our Torah tradition?
When Did Coaching Start?
Coaching has become increasingly popular over the past thirty years. The practice started as a technique used by professional athletes and then expanded to include business executives. Coaching has broadened even further to include every aspect of successful living, including family relationships, education, career transition, and retirement. New specialties and niches are continually being developed, and the variety of clients continues to widen.
Secrets to Being a Life Coach
Coaching is also successful and popular because it works. Coaches help clients to live more successful, fulfilled, and accomplished lives, and they are paid well for that expertise. “Our coaches learn how to build confidence and increase success in their clients,” Rabbi Ritchie says. “We not only lecture about these skills — we demonstrate it and practice it to the point where coaches learn to master those skills and become professionals at helping people.” The outstanding faculty includes the highly accomplished Torah Life Coaches Rabbis Zelig Pliskin and Avi Shulman.
Graduates receive a Refuah Institute Diploma, Certification from the American Association of Professional Coaches, and a Certificate from the International Reality Therapy Institute, which enable them to become recognized professional coaches.
New, Convenient Class Hours
Refuah has trained hundreds of successful coaches from all over the world, and now the course is even more convenient. The 130-hour course can be attended by telephone or over the Internet. Trainees receive one on-one personal coaching and supervision, even in this distance learning format.
Free Introductory Lecture
You will be able to join a free lecture and demonstration by phone, followed by a question-and answer session that, iy”H, will be held at 8:30 p.m. EST. To receive the number to call for the teleconference, call 646-395-9613 in the United States, or e-mail refuahoffice@gmail.com. . Applicants for this course can receive a free career consultation by contacting the Refuah Institute.

Professor & Rebbetzin Ritchie presenting Mrs. Rivkah Finkel with her Refuah Diploma

I have used my coaching skills to motivate myself to take steps I would never dream of previously.
~ Channe Klein AAPC

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