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Solution Focused Coaching in Times of Crisis
Source: Hamodia Magazine
By David Ritchie, MBA
November 9, 2011
Chaim was a successful principal whose yeshivah closed due to loss of financial backing. Afterward, even with all his best efforts and many contacts, he wasn’t able to find suitable employment that would utilize his experience and skills. Fortunately he heard from a friend how coaching had helped him to make a new career, and Chaim engaged the coach that his friend had recommended. Exploring his options together with the coach, Chaim recalled a dream of his — to help the families of young students who were struggling to find the yeshivah that is best suited to their child. The coach helped Chaim make the most of his experience and talent for this work coaching these students, and together they worked out how to make this a financially viable and rewarding endeavor. Chaim was extremely grateful, realizing that without the help of his coach he would not have brought to fulfillment his dream that turned out to be so successful and rewarding in every way.
Managing in Difficult Times
How have we Jews managed to thrive even in turbulent times? By finding solutions instead of staying stuck with the problem.The “interesting times” in which we live today are causing people to face much upheaval and many changes. At the same time, they provide great opportunities for the beneficial application of solution focused coaching.
How Solution Focused Coaching Works
By focusing on the preferred solution, instead of being fixated upon and worrying about the problems, all of the client’s energy and resources are put to good and productive use. First we clarify the goals and we explore the desired options in an optimistic and creative way. Next we help the client discover all his resources, both internal and external; his previous successes, abilities, talents, strengths, skills and knowledge gained by experience.
How Does One Become a Qualified Coach?
The best candidates to train to become life coaches are people who are frequently asked for advice by their friends and acquaintances. To become successful life coaches requires serious professional training which provides the knowledge, methods and techniques necessary to be a qualified coach. It is also necessary to practice what they have learned — under expert supervision and guidance — in order to be able to competently and confidently put their new skills to proper use.
Refuah Institute Distance Learning
Program: A Great Way to Learn Coaching
Students of the Refuah Institute learn from home with live, fully interactive training, attending classes and supervised practice sessions by conference calls or video conference. Refuah’s programs are designed for those who have to balance a busy life of mitzvot, parnassah, learning and family. Students who are in Israel can join the classes on campus in Yerushalayim. Either way, they enjoy working closely with the Refuah faculty, staff and students.
Why has the Refuah Program Been So Successful?
Refuah Institute is a powerful example of the successful use of modern techniques and technology to teach Torah truth and values. By extracting the kosher aspects of psychology and coaching and translating them back into Torah idioms, the Refuah Institute teaches skills that are extremely effective and that do not contradict the values of Torah Jewry.
The Secret of Refuah’s Success
What makes any organization a success are the people behind the name. Refuah’s faculty integrates the values of Torah and the science of modern coaching techniques into their own lives. The dean and founder of the Refuah Institute is Dr. Joshua Ritchie, MD. In addition to having semichah, Professor Ritchie’s professional experience includes many years as a professor and practitioner of medicine, and of training graduate students in the art and science of coaching, counseling and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Professor Ritchie’s coaching methods are a blend of his secular training and his close association with theAmshinover Rebbe, zt”l. As a ben bayis and shamash to the Rebbe, Professor Ritchie was privileged to spend over a thousand hours observing the methods employed by the Rebbe when counseling individuals inyechidus.
Who are the Refuah Students?
Refuah students possess training or life experience in such areas as education, the rabbinate, shadchanus, kiruv, marriage, parenting, organizational leadership, business and counseling. Graduates of the one-year comprehensive training program receive a Certified Life Coach Diploma from the Refuah Institute and certification as a Professional Coach from the AAPC. Upon graduation, students use their training and credentials to advance their careers in a wide range of organizational and educational settings. Some graduates develop a private coaching practice, usually by telephone from home.
Registration Is in Progress for theProgram Beginning November 20
The weekly classes begin November 20, 2011. If you believe coaching may be your calling, contact the Refuah Institute for more information about this exciting opportunity by calling 646-395-9613 (USA) or 972-2-5715112 (Israel). Or, email refuahoffice@gmail.com, Website: www.refuah.net

R' Pliskin, Prof Ritchie, and R' Leff presenting Uri Raskin with his Refuah Diploma

I thank Refuah Institute for everything they've given me, and I am looking forward to more upcoming learning experience as a student of the Refuah Institute
~ Chanie Berger AAPC,CMCC,CLCC

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